cereal and choccy milk!?




03.27Fixed broken link in Brain, added a script that shows a random image of my cats when clicked! Not sure where to put it yet, but the preview is at the bottom of to-do.
03.26日本語ZONE update (regular kirby art (rare!))
03.11日本語ZONE update (horrible magolor meme. and gijinka)
03.07日本語ZONE update (ooh spicy)
02.28日本語ZONE update (kirby gijinka)
02.23日本語ZONE update (kirby gijinka)
02.13日本語ZONE update (updated info, added strawpage response page)
02.12Fixed some index links, and other slight tweaks here and there
02.09日本語ZONE update (BL gijinka gifts), added/fixed index links, more graphics in collection
02.07日本語ZONE update (kirby gijinka!)
01.29日本語ZONE update (kirby doodles yippee)
01.07Moved stamps from About to Collections, added more graphics
01.03Moved Bookclub to Brain, more blinkies in About
01.01日本語ZONE update (question game)


12.30New question game in brain
12.27Index tweak, new sitemap page
12.26Bog update, more index links
12.25Bog update
12.21More graphics
11.24日本語ZONE update
11.23Added a few graphics, 日本語ZONE update
11.21日本語ZONE update (added a bunch of kirby doodles)
11.20Changed 日本語ZONE URL from /jp to /ja, other inner working rearrangements
11.18Added more graphics, small index edits/rearrangements, joined some fanlistings
11.16More webrings, updated About
11.15Layout has been applied everywhere! Also added AI/repost warning to index
11.14Applied layout to all pages except song translations
11.13New layout for the main pages! Other pages will be updated slowly. If everything was saved correctly, the old one can still be seen on the Internet Archive. Also added update history page
11.11index tweaks
10.24bog update!!!!
06.21new brain entry (kirby!)
04.28jp zone update
04.10"museum" → "creations" + "collections", other index changes
04.06added jp zone
03.20200×40 and 32×32 banners!!
02.28museum added, fixed sidebar for all pages (+icons!)
02.25tidied up sidebar (index only, others coming soon), added tyoki sites
02.04new trans. series page
01.17slight visual tweaks, gggnk thought update
01.04favicon added, new brain thought


12.27webrings edited, email notice added
12.11ALL CURRENT TRANSLATIONS ADDED!! (except fancomics, idk if i'll make pages for those) also tweaked 3ds theme page
12.063 small trans. added
12.05rest of current song trans. added!
12.04status.cafe, 2 song trans., and rest of 3ds themes added
12.02more webrings! also finished formatting 3ds themes
12.01webrings added, index updated, about updated, to-do + 3ds themes pages created
11.30bog created, 2 song trans. added
11.2988×31 button added! and other small tweaks
11.28annotations changed to w3.css tooltips (mobile accessible)
11.212 song trans. added
11.10chatbox/comment widget added
11.091 bookclub entry added (ningen shikkaku 01)
11.08bookclub page created
11.071 song trans. added, about page created
10.26fixed song links on trans. index
10.241 song trans. added
10.233 song trans. added
10.222 manga chapter trans. added
10.19FL template installed
10.17index updated, trans. page created, 2 article trans. added


04.22site created!