cereal and choccy milk!?

Taken from hekate.neocities.org. Please check them out!
Originally from the currently shut-down yupthatsme.neocities.org. Archived page linked here.


Filled out: 2024/12/27

What were you doing at 11 last night: Teaching my partner about the histories of different LGBT flags. and talking about Gabriel ULTRAKILL

Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years: Definitely!

What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of: Rice… but that's cheating because I basically already do. 2nd place is probably karaage.

Funniest thing that happened in the last 24 hours: Watched the M-1 Grand Prix. Congrats Reiwa Roman! This year was particularly good; every pair was so funny.

Do you have any plans for the weekend: Nope, other than potentially going to Costco with my mom. and webmastery. and ULTRAKILL

Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex: They're genderfluid so…half right?? I guess??

Would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone: Take a fucking guess (yes. yes i would kiss my partner. whom i text every day)

Do you find drinking unattractive: No, as long as it's responsibly.

When was the last time something bothered you: Probably yesterday. *cough* mother

Do you know how to work a computer well: Hell yeah

To who did you last give the finger to: My best friends lol. I don't give the finger to people I actually hate.

Six months ago, can you remember who you liked, who was it: No one, I think. I realized my crush on my now-partner in late July. Before then, I sort of avoided thinking about romance since I knew my options are limited (being T4T and autistic and licenseless is hard).

Anything embarrassing happen today: Nope lol

Has anyone ever done mean things to you while you were sleeping: Sort of? I got like 5 photos taken by my friend when I was taking a nap at college. All of them had different weird Instagram filters (like a dog peeing on me etc) and were sent to the groupchat lol.

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to: Ok, ok, I get it, this survey is old.

Would you rather be at the beach or lake: Neither. Forest creek

Last thing you spent money on: Star-shaped titanium threadless labrets! I love getting titanium labrets for my lobe piercings since I can just leave them in and forget about it and still look awesome.

What are you doing after this: Going to bed!

Your song of the week: Requiem - Heaven Pierce Her, Nyan - MARETU

Have you ever cried from being so mad: Of course. Who hasn't at some point in their life

Are you happy with the choices you've made: Maybe not 100% happy, but I'm content. They all make up who I currently am whether I like it or not, and I thankfully (and surprisingly) like my current self.

I bet you miss someone, huh: my beloved long-distance partnerrrr :'( (I just talked with them an hour ago lol)

Would you rather be forced to eat 100 bananas or 100 apples: 100 apples. Bananas are more hit-or-miss, especially since I don't like them when they're squishy or too sweet.

Have you dated the person you texted last: Yeah. Right now. I'm dating them right n

Is good grammar attractive: I…guess? I am the kind of person to correct a person's grammar, but making grammar mistakes is not unattractive and having “flawless” grammar doesn't make a person hot. Especially when your partner is an English learner.

Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago: Of course! Who the hell loses contact with their friends in just two years?

Who was the last person to call you baby: Idk

What is your favorite color: Red

What color are your eyes: Dark brown

How tall are you: 150cm/5ft

If you could have one wish right now what would it be: Free Palestine

Do you want to get married and have children one day: Married, sure, if possible, but not necessarily. Children, nope.

Who is the 9th contact in your phone: A classmate from 6th grade (we had a groupchat way back when).

Ever liked someone who treated you like crap: Nope!

If you could spend more time with someone you used to be very close with, would you: Yeah, my maternal grandparents.

What are you listening to now: Nothing

What woke you up today: My alarm (僕の恋愛事情と台所事情 - TOKIO) and my partner (we sometimes keep the call going overnight)

Would you take someone back if they cheated on you: Probably not?

Where was your default picture taken: I never use my picture as icons or profile pics (even for irl stuff like contacts photos).

How many windows are open on your computer: Like 30 probably

Anything you really want: A new iPad would be nice since my current one (iPad Air 3) is halfway out the door.

How many pillows do you sleep with: 1 pillow + 1 pillow-shaped/sized Kerokerokeroppi + 1 BLÅHAJ

Can you have more than one best friend: Yeah!!!!!! I do!!!!!!!

What was last thing you drank: Water. Hot cocoa if that doesn't count.

How many pets do you have: 3 cats!

What do you like better: apple cider or hot chocolate: Take a guess (hint: 2 questions ago)

Who last texted you: My partner. we have already established this.

What do you want right now: To play Inscryption tbh

2024/12/29 Posted